Bread pizza recipe without oven


Bread- 4 slices
Egg- 3
Mozzarella cheese
Tomato -1 (cut into small pieces)
Onion- 1 ( cut into small pieces)
Beef or chicken fried.
olive oil- 1Tblsp
Black pepper- 1 Tsp
chili flakes - 1/2 Tsp
Salt to Taste


Beat the egg with hand beater by adding salt and black pepper.
Cut the bread into small pieces.
Heat the pan with little olive oil for 2 minutes place the bread pieces to a shape as you prefer( square, circle)
Pour the beat egg over the bread to make your pizza design as a single piece.
spread the pizza sauce.
Place the onion, tomato over the pizza , and fried beef or chicken.
Sprinkle the chilli flakes
Sprinkle the lots of mozzarella cheese over it.

Cook for 5 - 10 Minutes. 

Your bread Pizza is ready.